So lately i’ve been occupying myself with a project that was supposed to be simple but i decided to go the long way around and pretty much revamp/remake the model.

Here is the Beta 450 MXGP version i would say but hopefully Beta comes up with a MX version for the public.

Its still a WIP at about 90% modeled

The original plan was to take the already existing Beta 300 RX we have in game and just throw a 4 stroke engine on it to save time, unfortunately there where alot of differences compared to each of the bikes which made me decide to make a new model and go based on the MXGP Beta.

All of the parts have been either remade or been adjusted in order to have a better polyflow overall.

Parts that im gonna mention now is mostly the parts that have been kept from the original Beta RX300 we already have in game but have been adjusted as said above.

  • Fuel tank and gas cap ( remodeled but kept some areas the same )
  • Swingarm ( Added detail but kept original shape )
  • Brake Calipers ( adjusted polyflow )
  • Plastics (remodeled shrouds but kept original shape of sideplates and rear fender and added details)

    Still needs alot of work but im happy with the progress im making, also tried to go abit further compared to my previous models in terms of detailing the engine which i find always found abit challenging to get right.

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1 year ago

I cant wait for this to come out

1 year ago

Looks so cool!!

1 year ago


1 year ago

wow nice work but where is the ebike

1 year ago

Nice Work!!

1 year ago

Great work!

1 year ago

You all are so talented!

1 year ago

Looks great man! Detailing in the engine area is awesome, cant wait to see how it turns out.

1 year ago

Looking good!