Models have been completed with different details in terms of the 250sxf and 450sxf

This project is my first full attempted bike model to do by myself. My focus was to keep the model as low poly as possible with the small sacrifice of some parts that arent detailed. This model came around 30k tris which im really happy about.

Last but not least since i already made a 250 engine and 450 engine for the 4 strokes i decided to make the two stroke engines. Small preview of the 250 2t.
Poderia colocar protetor de freio?
placed brake protector?
It’s in my future plan to make and be in some model swaps I want to do for this model
is there any hope of us seeing an efi 300sx 2t as well?
I wish the stock KTM exhaust wasn’t so ugly Its the worst park of the bike besides the bar pad 🙁
It does look different with textures I must say 😀