Yup, you read it right.

We know we’ve made some mistakes in the recent release of v0.18.1 and we’re incredibly sorry to disappoint you.

However, some of you have to remember that we’re no devs and we don’t get paid for anything we do here – except your generous donations of course – and since we’re human, we do make mistakes.

For the release of v0.18.1 however a lot of things didn’t go to plan and the biggest issue was our own team communication. After the release of v0.18.0 we used the time to relax a lot because the pressure being taken off was noticeable. Furthermore we figured some more stuff out in the ways of how imports should be done, and that we built bikes in a way the game wasn’t “designed” for. So we started messing around with some frontend physics which took more time into account than we wanted to.

Before we launched v0.18.1 we added a ton of new feedback-givers into the inner circle and that was when the miscommunication started to happen. Some were trying new bikes with v0.18.1 tyres, some didn’t know there were new tyres and were trying new bikes with old tyres. This led to a lot of confusion after the release, but also during the process, because some of our testers felt the tyres different even though they just tested the bikes.
For the patch we first considered reverting the tyres back to how they were, but with the days we got plenty of positive feedback (of course also negatives) and we still wanted to achieve variations across your garage settings.

However, with the additional 19 bikes added to the pack and the various updates we’ve made, there were also a lot of potential issues and apparently due to the lack of team communication as well as no “real” quality check before the release, we had plenty of them.
But trust us, after this massive L we took last monday, we immediately changed the way we communicate internal and things are going much smoother already.

This post is partially meant to say “sorry” to all of you, but also to inform you that we’re releasing the patch v0.18.1b that fixes quite some things.


TL;DR in Mulock’s words:

So this is a bit awkward, isn’t it? V0.18.1 update was a bit of a fumble in a handful of different ways. There was a lot of intentional changes, but almost just as many unwanted changes that we did not want to push public. A bunch of MX1 had changes that were either incomplete, or were supposed to have not been on those bikes at all. Just gotta love rushing to meet our own (delayed) deadlines. We’ve worked our asses off to fix a good handful of these mistakes this week for an update before Aerial so that there was no disaster from changes between our major racing series. This little v0.18.1b is just to unfuck the worst of the 4 stroke bikes we just pushed while we continue to absorb the community’s feedback on everything else. Please check the changelog if you’re interested which bikes were changed and by how much.



  • 2 Stroke
    • KTM / Husqvarna 125
      • beefed up low rpm engine curves. They are still 125s and have no guts down low requiring the clutch, but this makes them much more usable.
    • KTM all 2 stroke models have missing front fender fixed.
    • TM all 2 stroke models checked that all models are correct.
  • 4 Stroke
    • Yamaha / Fantic 450
      • reverted bikes to v0.18 release state.
    • GasGas 350 / 450
      • physics blended between v0.18 MC450F and v0.18.1 MC250.
    • Honda 450
      • major physics rework.
      • suspension changes.
    • TM 450
      • physics rework.
      • suspension changes.
    • Suzuki 250 / 450
      • major suspension overhaul.
      • new garage settings (we won’t spoil the surprise).


The patch download will as always be available through .
A full version will be uploaded during the day or in the next days.
Make sure to download where it says “v0.18.1b PATCH ONLY” and install this ON TOP of your v0.18.1 installation.

We hope we’re able to cool down some of you and get new feedback from here on.

If you notice something please don’t keep it just for yourself or your friends, but please consider giving us proper, detailed and directed feedback in the .



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2 years ago

Any idea on a date when the classics get released?

2 years ago

Let’s goooo

2 years ago

Won’t you add the Suzuki RM and the Honda CR? and even add a Kawasaki KX. If I knew how to model, I would make those models. But I only know how to make skins.
I can skin the latest Suzuki RM Stock.

2 years ago
Reply to  insane

nice! 😀

2 years ago

The OEM Pack is completely deleted from MXB-Mods? When will I be able to download the 2 Strokes?

2 years ago
Reply to  insane

Thank you for the update, I understood it as it was already uploaded, sorry if it was a stupid question :). Looking forward to the release, very hyped!!

Reply to  insane

my oem supporter mods dont work 😭

2 years ago

full beanz banana bike