Hello everyone!
We’re excited to introduce the MX OEM v0.19.0 Preview for our grateful Supporters, offering an early look at the latest developments. This preview provides a sneak peek at the upcoming full release, showcasing major improvements to bikes and tyres based on your feedback.
The v0.19.0 update is focused on making racing more fun and realistic. Traction is now dynamic and depends on wheel load. You’ll need to adjust your rider position, manage throttle input, and think strategically. Smooth (realistic) riding will be more rewarding, with new intuitive techniques for achieving speed—moving beyond the old “pin it to win it” approach. We’ve also improved power to the ground for the entire MX2 class.
As with all new things it might take some time to adjust to these changes. We’ve included a brief guide on what wheel load is, its effects and how to influence it to help you get started.
See bottom of the page for the full changelog.
The available preview bikes are;
- 2024 GasGas MC 250F
- 2024 GasGas MC 450F
- 2024 Yamaha YZ250F
- 2024Yamaha YZ450F
Check out the full changelog below and download the v19.0 Preview bikes here:
What Is Wheel Load And How To Influence It
In the changelog we’ll mention wheel load – so here’s a brief overview;
In motocross influencing wheel load is crucial for maintaining control, improving traction, and navigating different types of terrain. Wheel load refers to the amount of force or weight applied to each wheel, and you can influence it through the various techniques listed below. By mastering these techniques, you can effectively manage wheel load and with that the traction and handling characteristics it brings forth.
Body Position
- Leaning Forward: Moving your body weight forward increases the load on the front wheel. This is useful for improving front-wheel traction, especially when cornering or navigating downhill sections.
- Leaning Backward: Moving your weight backward increases the load on the rear wheel. This helps when accelerating, climbing hills, or when you need more traction on the rear wheel.
- Standing vs. Sitting: Standing on the pegs raises your centre of gravity and allows for quicker shifts in body weight, giving you more control over wheel load. Sitting lowers your centre of gravity, which can be more stable in some situations.
Throttle Control
- Accelerating: When you accelerate, the rear wheel is loaded more as weight shifts backward. This can be used to gain traction on the rear wheel, but too much throttle can cause the front wheel to lift (wheelie).
- Decelerating: Rolling off the throttle or using engine braking shifts weight forward, increasing the load on the front wheel. This is useful for improving front tire grip, especially when approaching a turn or when you need more precise steering.
- Front Brake: Applying the front brake shifts weight forward, increasing the load on the front wheel and reducing it on the rear. This is effective for stopping power but requires careful control to avoid locking the front wheel.
- Rear Brake: Applying the rear brake shifts weight backward slightly, though the effect is generally less pronounced. It’s useful for controlling speed without dramatically altering front-wheel traction.
Cornering Techniques
- Leaning Forward in Turns: When cornering, leaning forward while applying the appropriate amount of throttle keeps the front wheel loaded, improving front-end grip.
- Leaning Back on Exits: As you exit a turn and begin to accelerate, shifting your weight backward can help load the rear wheel, giving you better traction for acceleration out of the corner.
Terrain Adaptation
- Soft Terrain (Sand, Mud): On soft surfaces, you may want to shift your weight backward to help the front wheel stay light, preventing it from digging in or getting stuck. This allows the rear wheel to drive the bike forward.
- Hard Terrain (Rocks, Hardpack): On hard surfaces, a more balanced weight distribution or even a slight forward shift can help maintain stability and improve steering precision.
- * Added 08/28 Premade ruts and dynamic erode: Previously, erosion was inverted, with the deepest ruts forming before the tyres had the most load. Now, erosion matches the highest load, so tyres grip better in both premade and dynamic ruts. Try it out by increasing the deformation slider!
- Preloading the Suspension: Before a jump, compressing the suspension by quickly shifting your weight downward and then pulling up can help balance the bike in the air. Your body position in the air (leaning forward or backward) will influence how the bike lands, affecting the wheel load upon landing.
- Landing: Upon landing, absorbing the impact with your legs and ensuring your weight is balanced can prevent either the front or rear wheel from taking too much load, which could cause a crash.
19.0 Supporter WIP Release Changelog
- Brand new tyres featuring dynamic traction based on wheel load. Wheel load refers to the amount of force or weight applied to each wheel, which can be influence it through techniques such as: body position, throttle control, braking and terrain adaptation. This offers the player direct control over traction, allowing them to power slide, square up, grip up and navigate difficult terrain with precision and confidence.
- Updated and extended tyre roster.
Front tyres:
- OEM EN H 90/90-21 (Enduro)
- OEM MX IS 80/100-21
Rear tyres:
- OEM EN H 120/90-18 (Enduro)
- OEM EN H 140/80-18 (Enduro)
- OEM MX IS 100/90-19
- OEM MX IS 110/90-19
- OEM MX IS 120/80-19
- OEM MX IS 120/90-19
- Enhanced steering to complement the new tires and recent game updates from B19.
- Improved driveline for a more direct and stable driving experience.
- Optimized temperature management for better overall performance.
- Refined the shift helper for more realistic responses, ensuring a fairer distinction between bikes with and without quick shifters.
- Improved power to ground for the MX2 class.
- Improved sound positioning to enhance Spatial Audio support.
- Added subtle transmission sounds, providing more accurate audio feedback on your position within the bike’s RPM range while riding.
We’d absolutely love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our newest release! You can share your thoughts, ideas and other feedback with us through the official Project OEM Discord Forum.
Alternatively, feel free to leave a comment on the post!
Our only ask is that you please keep all feedback constructive and respectful!
Screenshots & Media
As always, no changes seen in this preview are final, and are subject to change based on your feedback before release. If you have constructive feedback for us, feel free to leave it in the Project OEM Discord’s Feedback forum!

added a point to “Terrain Adaption” about ruts and deformation, as we completely missed that.
These bikes are the shit let me tell you!! I only have 250 hours in MX Bikes and can’t be anymore pleased with how these previews are.
I have only ridden the GasGas 250 & have experienced zero front tucks, the front end feels planted and amazing. With that being said the rear slides out SUPER easy, but I’ve found that the 120/90 rear tire makes the slip easily controllable.
I’ve mainly done my testing on the 2024 ARL PRO Ironman track with my best lap a 2:10.63 and consistently running 2:13s. I bring this up because with only having 250 hours these 2024 ARL tracks are stupid hard for me, but these previews definitely make it more enjoyable and easier once you get a hang of them!
It almost feels like the 450s are 250s, and the 250s are 125s. 250s definitely need more power and a little bit more traction, the front end is perfect i feel though! keep doing what you guys are doing at the OEM Team!!
feel mega over all this is the way to go
i cant figure out how to download the bikes
I’ve tested these bikes for a few hours, and I believe it’s a huge step in the right direction. In my opinion it feels more realistic the Yamahas are perfect, and I believe they don’t need to be touched. However, the GASGAS 450 and 250 needs a little work I feel the suspension stock is really funny behaving compared to the Yamahas and really soft. The power output is great, and the traction is also great feeling. You can really feel the 450s pull you out of corners fast. Amazing work put in and I can’t wait to see the full release.
way more fun and realistic then the old tire. The bike feel slower but front tire is insane and rear tire more controllable. That’s a big yes for me!
good work!
I have to admit i was wrong about these bikes, after hours of testing and getting used to them i cannot go back to the old oems. They are just way too fun once you get throttle control down more and under stand more of what the bike does in this update. I have beaten many lap times and feel ive developed a few more skills on these bikes that i would have never gotten on the others. The speed of the bikes is completely fine once you get the throttle control down and once you mess aorund with the tires the sliding is way more controllable.
bikes feel good. It definitely slows the game down and the new tires make the game feel more realistic. for riding current tracks i think the sidewall traction is a little on the low side as it can be hard to get any traction on flatter corners if you give it any throttle. I really enjoy the way the bikes rotate in a corner with the new tires though. its also my opinion that this update would benefit players who use a dual stick setup more than it would benefit players who use single stick.
Absolutely love the new bikes with the more realistic feel and new line choices that come with that. I get that some people are concerned about making certain paid tracks ” unrideable” but tracks come and go and are getting better and better, so why focus on keeping “old” tracks rideable rather than improving the bikes and scaling tracks for the better bikes, so Imo for the game’s future these bikes are a huge W.
ma perche’ dovete rallentare le moto???? andavano bene prima
This update WILL destroy the game if this is even anywhere near how they will come on full release day. you guys only take notes from a couple people and dont think about the majority of people who play this game. the bikes right now are fine how they are and you guys are just messing them up. As a wise man once said, dont fix it if it isnt broke. The power is ridiculous compared to current models. they are slow, way too much slip, horrible feeling in air or scrubbing off jumps. i hope the player count drops tremendously if this is where the game is heading because you guys clearly dont care about the average player in this game. cheers. womp womp
Spend more time on the bikes, i was this harsh but i was wrong. Seriously, give them a chance.
they feel alittle slow but do not touch a thing this is amazing and will def help with the skill gap in this game its too easy to clear things and there is no technical aspect to me right now just hold right trigger
I would have to agree with a lot of others the bikes feel to slow now and I think they need a little more traction but other than that they feel great and I like the direction you guys are going in. Thanks for all the hard work!
Gotta agree to kingmx818. thats the biggest problem, I spent like 100 $ on tracks, that are now pretty much not fun anymore.
the 250s are way to slow and the 450 could be a tad bit faster. also rear end traction should be a little better.
especially on sx what I noticed is, that set ups compared to real life (make it way harder, lower tire pressure) acutally works but only on the 2023 arl tracks. 2024 is unridable with these bikes, maybe if you are really good.
my opinion, rear wheel traction should be 1/3 more and the power 20% more on both bikes.
You guys put in so much effort, but it pleases only the top 10% of players. especially as tracks are being paid lots of money, its really hard if you do 180 on set ups.
maybe make it like the a-kit bikes, where you have pre set ups for mx and sx as a base, also let slower players test.
IMO the ARL and Outdoor series could have pro mode where you put away all lean help, ban every assist and make tires for pros where the have minimum traction.
for all beginners and weekend warriors make a more powerful version.
the 450s feel amazing it handles well but the 250s feel slow they cant get over jumps that should be no problem but they case really hard the handling is great but the 250 needs more power
the bikes are great. from some one that has rode in real life for 20 years i feel like these are a massive step in the direction of realism. when you are trying to ride a real bike fast you are always fighting it for traction and these give you that feeling. i also found that the back tire will stick in an erode rut very well. on a smooth supercross track with the erode turned up it feels like you get to make your own ruts just like you would in real life and i think that will make the racing so much better with a lot more passing options! the speed of the bikes might be hard because of the tracks that we have now but it also feels more real the pro players were doing a lot more quads in supercross than they were in real life. if you go to a supercross and watch qualifying you will see that not even all of the guys there are able to triple into rhythms (and they all have their pro license) even more so when the track is fresh and there is no lines cut in.
Tires feel amazing, predictable, bikes handle very well. Only issue is they are so aggravatingly slow, tires are fun but i constantly want to get on the beta 18 bikes cause they are so much faster.
both bikes are much slower than the current bikes. I am currently working on a track and this has pretty much broke it. The 250 can barely make the jumps and the 450 cant hit the lines i had setup for the 450 that the current 450’s easily make. With there being paid tracks, making a drastic adjustment like this is not good. This will make a lot of tracks paid and free pretty much unable to ride. The pros may be able to still ride these with no issue but the mass majority of the player base arent pros. Also i found the rear end very unstable. This is my suggestion, I think you should just leave them alone. they are fine the way they are. If you could find a way to make the front end of the current bikes not wash so bad they would be money. this changing all this stuff and going from one extreme to the other isnt the move IMO.
Also, The rear end isnt very much a problem as the speed of the bikes are the issue.
Both bikes definitely feel underpowered on the tracks we have now, obviously because they’re scaled for the older bikes, which had more grip and made them faster. I do think it is a step in the right direction for the realistic side of things, but wtf am I hearing when the bikes are on the limiter in the air sounds like a copy & pasted sound of the stark varg? Is that supposed to be the “added subtle transmission sounds, providing more accurate audio feedback on your position within the bike’s RPM range while riding”?.
Correction its not easy mode it feels just right with the 100 tires and you can use the right stick and not get ptsd from it sliding too much.
the 250 yz is great with the 100/90 tyres the slide/grip ratio is perfect imo the others throw you when you get the slightest grip in a corner if there is a way to make that better please do haven’t tried the 450 yet
make better god dam path to f$cking preview download
The game just got alot more difficult, but I think it is way more realistic. Good job guys
i love this bikes so much, i just feel like the back end can be a little bit more grippy. Not too much more but just enough where all the new players can enjoy and not worry about there back end sliding out. But other than that the bikes are so fun to ride and cant wait for them to come out
I do think it is a step in the right direction by going for less traction in the rear, but I also feel like this is way too big of a jump to the point where it doesn’t feel right. I do think the front-end bounce improvements are really nice, but it still seems to just give away at any moment when it shouldn’t. the biggest problem is the loss of power though, not being able to stretch jumps on arl tracks that we know are easily doable irl on 250’s is extremely disappointing. I hope this feedback helps.
also please don’t make me lean forward in the corners this is so far from realistic 😢
I dont think you can compare the bikes on the current arl sx tracks, because those tracks where made for the old bikes with much more grip and are very overscaled. So we need tracks that are scaled properly to the new tracktion
no way man, that just cannot be the answer. so then years worth of epic tracks are now just unrideable? hundreds of dollars’ worth of paid tracks? not to mention how many of those tracks that are basically brand new! i personally love the scaling of the tracks the way they are right now. if that is really their plan that is a huge step in the wrong direction imo.
that’s a good point! i still think that less traction should be implented since they way it is right now is just straight up unrealistic. I can hit motogp lean angles on every corner and the rear never slips out even hitting full throttle with a 450.
The tracks being unrideable for the new bikes is IMO a bullshit argument, they are perfectly fine to ride on still! Also i still think they should lower the traction in the front by another 50%, there is no way you can achieve 60-70 degree lean angles on dirt with a dirtbike, no way! It basically never washes out
im just saying man, im a 250 rider mainly and its bullshit to me that i cant make the normal triples on the over $100 worth of tracks ive recently purchased. call it whatever you want but thats a pretty obvious slap in the face to me. and also i already agreed that there should be less traction so idk why you’re saying all that lol i just want the bikes to be fast enough, period
serve piu motore nei 450 in basso a magari 2 o 3 mappe
Love these bikes so far. I have noticed big changes like the rear end sliding out more and feeling more realistic when getting on the throttle out of corners. I feel that the slipping is controllable and good for now. Another thing that i love right now is the front end. The way the front end tracks the ruts feels so much better than the previous OEMs. One thing that I do not like that much is that the power is a lot less than the other bikes. If it is possible to up the power a bit while making the rear end act like it does now; i think that the bikes would be close to perfection. I have also noticed that the suspension works so much better, even with the stock settings. I also feel that the brakes work better (could just be placebo) but when hitting the rear brake in the air my front end comes down more than on the other bike (good thing). The bikes also feel a lot better in the air (lighter). When i whip they seem to come back fairly easy. I also love being able to give a little blip on the throttle right as i go off the takeoff, because the rear end slides a bit adding that little extra steez to the scrubs and also makes it feel a little faster when doing so. (love the bikes so far) (ive only tested 450s)
the biggest thing I’m noticing tbh is the slip in the tires like off rip, no where near as much instant go and deff makes these bikes already feel a lot more real then the previous oem bikes!! keep up the amazing work!!
the bikes feel great the suspension is a huge upgrade and feels amazing from what I have but the only real problem when I would ride the arl sx and mx I would come up short on a lot of jumps because the wheel would just spin and when I would try to carry more speed into corners the rear end would just give out, great work on the bikes though it is a big step in the right direction
I loves these bikes so far, just would like to see the littlest more rear end traction and the power we used to have, theres jumps i used to do on a 250 that i cant even do now, (i understand that more power means less traction and you want it to be realistic) but a nice middle point would be 10x better
Will comment if my opinion changes
Still agree to myself from before, have gotten a lot more used to the bikes and I love the new erode. More power def is a big needed thing
Rear end washing in sand without throttle…. what a joke. just another person that has no clue what theyre talking about. “seat time” 🤣🤣🤣
Uh yeah. Its not a thing, rode professionally in desert racing for 10 years and started riding when i was 4. You 100% have knowledge from mx vs atv and it shows. Keep trolling on the internet why the rest of us actually get out there “🤣🤣” there i used the emoji you 14 year olds love.
ok guys, my first impressions, the bike is very fun to ride, yes it is true that in some cases it can be unpredictable but within that it depends on the level you have, you can control it, what I am referring to is for example: in a section of waves with some grooves, on the current bikes 2 things happened either you grabbed the groove badly and fell or you grabbed it well, on the preview bikes in this case it allows you to have more opportunities other than falling and that’s what I mean is that The motorcycle can go from one side to the other bouncing around and you can control it
I’ll comment on how I’ll feel later.
the bikes are good. but need a little more traction or a little more power for the 250. seems to lack just a hair.
These are the best feeling bikes I think I’ve ever used, you guys absolutely COOKED here
I love the changes, they feel a lot more realistic now. They also seem to go barrel rolling out of ruts a lot less, however the one time it happened so far, my game instantly crashed when the rut ejected me so idk if that’s a bug. The 250 feels a little more peppy which is a good thing, and you actually need to use proper body positioning and throttle control now. Great job guys
I suck at mx bikes, but it feels like I can actually respond to what the bikes doing instead of just instantly dying. The rear tire slides out way too much under load, the traction levels need to increase when pressure is added, not decrease. Overall I think it’s an improvement to the current bikes and I applaud the oem team for making mx bikes a fun game.
Glaze is real here ay? It’s like riding with a flat tire.. Imagine a track made out of banana peels…. thats what it feels like off and on power 😂😂
The front end feels great. Plenty of grip and no longer washes out like the current bikes. However, the rear tire feels like an irl flat tire. Slides all over, unpredictable, and forget about flat turn control. It forces you to rely on premade ruts even on mild sweeping turns. The front end is a huge step in the right direction but the rear end will ruin the bikes if something isn’t changed before release.
the bikes feel way more realistic now but u should improve the traction on the front wheel when leaning forward and on the back wheel when leaning back, rn i feel like either way when leaning back or forward the tractions stays fairly same.
And what would make them even better is if when leaned back u shouldnt be able to turn as good or it should be able to wash out more easily when leaning forward. Also i think the bikes feel way too light and they should be heavier.
Thx for the work tho!
seems like i always have this issue. copy pasting into bikes and tyres folder shows nothing in game. theres a step im missing any ideas?
I have the same problem don’t know how to fix it yet either.
Says it where you get the preview bikes:
oem_mx_preview.pkz goes into “mods/tyres”
The other OEMPreview…pkz files go into “mods/bikes”
You’ll find the bikes in the “OEM Preview” category.
have you figured this out? im having same problem
Make sure its the correct folder. sometimes people have 2 mx bikes/ mods folders
When you downlad the folder it is zipped right? if so make sure you’re extracting the files, i think the majority of people including me use WinRAR, this might fix your problem.
it’s really good
the bikes are so realistic it’s incredible I love it, now the aerial staff needs to add the reset delay during crashes during the pro races and the pro races will be hyper realistic. 🔥
Love how we are able to slide now. Might actually rebind from combined breaks and start hitting some 180s
Now this is how how it should be….. love the 450 how its slides and breaks traction under power. i feel more stable on the gasgas but im faster on the yam. cant wait for the full release, top work
First, huge thanks for all your work, it’s great to support something like this!
I’m a normal gamer who likes to play at the weekend and doesn’t spend hours and hours in the game every day. I’ve only tested the two 250s so far. Both about 15 minutes each. The Yamaha feels very unpredictable and unstable and lacks power (the OEM 18 feels much better) I was just drifting through the berms at times. I didn’t feel really good on it.
The GASGAS, on the other hand, was very stable in the bends, and I was able to realize relatively quickly what was happening, and I felt quite confident with what I was doing, but unfortunately it lacked a bit of power there too.
Maybe it’s just a matter of getting used to the power. Everything tested with the standard setup and the gear ratio changed to 14:52
no idea if you can do anything with the feedback, as I said, I’m just the normal player.
Im liking the direction this is going. Ive tested both the YZ250 and 450 so far. The 250 is pretty good but the 450 almost feels under powered and a little unpredictable with the handling. The 450 looses rear traction a little too easy I feel while the 250 is pretty solid. Also digging the new sounds for the yamaha.
Really enjoying the bikes and all the new tyre options we can have now, your hard work has really paid off and it feels really nice to ride all 4 bikes! Keep up with all the work boys 😀
well yes of course, the general idea is to slow down a bit because public bikes are simply way too fast, have too much traction and are overall not realistic. we’ve been trying several approaches and agreed internally that this is a step in the right direction. and the decisions made are not by just the “heads” of this team, but by our feedback group containing ARL champs and big track creators.
however, we appreciate your feedback and will take this into account. 🙂
Thats kind of what worries me. The “pros” you have testing your bikes have little to no seat time on a bike irl.
these preview bikes are overall a lot more realistic
Thank you for your hardwork oem team!