This post is only available for OEM Supporters.Login or click here to become one! 47 Supporters Only By FrankieDecember 3, 2022WIP, Yamaha, YZ450F 2023 1,69916 Comments on Yamaha 23 with a small surprise!
NICE. Will the barpads be added in later or are the models to reflect the stock look without them?
We are hoping to have swaps with different parts.
How/When they will be shared we are still not sure of though.
So freaking stoked….. these look amazing…… the hype is soooo real around this project
Looks great!
The models look mad good bro, thanks for the hard work!
This is going to be soooo dope! Can’t wait!
can anyone tell me since im not a supporter lmao
this is going to be worth the wait
Frankie you make me want to lick the screen
The Fantic looks so much better than the one we already have. The details in the cockpit are wild. Amazing job Frankie!
i’m glad u got the spirit back, this looks awesome, keep up the great work !!
both of these look soo sick. great job dudes. THANK YOU for everything you guys do for us.
Dude thank you so much for all your hard work. We cannot wait !!!
Its Wes, lol, I just wanted to contribute under the team name because me and Waevo put the money together