Remember the very first time you played MX Bikes, just after playing MX Simulator, MX vs ATV or MXGP? It was absolutely awesome, but equally as weird at the same time. That weirdness in how a bike handles, the unnatural feeling of it, is what we focused on for the upcoming Project OEM release.

Ever since the release of MX Bikes we’ve been dealing with a lot of game interference in how bike and rider respond to the input we provide through our controllers. It for example sadly isn’t at all a rare occurrence where you want to turn left, but find yourself turning right even though your control input states differently. We’ve learned weird habits and tricks to counter this interference. Forced to “just get used to it” as there really wasn’t a proper solution.

In our previous Preview Bike release we already implemented a fix to reduce the level of interference. Thanks to our continued research and development we are now able to provide you with an extended version of that fix decreasing interference levels even further. All of this was done in an attempt to restore the connection between the player’s input and what happens on your screen. Hopefully making MX Bikes more fun, more accessible and ultimately regrowing the community we all love dearly.

The new Preview Bikes have a very natural, predictable and nimble feeling to them. It will feel strange at first and you might want to revise settings such as “Direct Lean” (lower is better). But trust us when we say this: Once you start riding these bikes like you would ride a real bike, you’ll find yourself soaring across tracks like you never have been able to do before. These bikes offer a drastic increase in control and consistency, allowing you to push things like scrubs and whips to a whole new level!

already a supporter?

Install instructions:
The “OEM_preview.pkz” goes into your “mods/tyres/” folder.
The “OEMPreview_2023_Kawasaki_KX450.pkz” etc. goes into you “mods/bikes/” folder.

Please make sure to give the bikes some intensive testing, as these feel nothing like any other bike really. We’d be surprised if you jump on one of the bikes and feel no difference.

We seriously hope you enjoy this final preview version as we’re nearing a potential release of the pack.

Thanks to everyone sticking with us and supporting our project. We wouldn’t be here without your continous support and feedback.

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11 months ago

… 😂

Last edited 11 months ago by insane
11 months ago

Phantomz accidentally deleted the Preview Update 4 bikes and I just woke up They will be available again asap…

11 months ago
Reply to  insane

R.I.P. lmao

10 months ago

how do you get the preview bikes

11 months ago

Hello, I wanted to ask for help because I added the OEM pack to my mx bikes but when I enter a track the game crashes.

11 months ago

yoooo these are sick, love u guys

11 months ago

I can’t get the bikes to work in game I put the tryers in the tryers mod and the bikes in the bikes, but they still don’t work I can’t use them in game.

11 months ago

First off i would like to say thank you for all that yall have done for this game. However i do believe that this is a wrong turn. The lack of engine braking is bad and these bikes dont really do what I input. I couldn’t see myself continuing to play with the OEM bikes if this is what the update will feel like. This honestly just feels like we are trying to put MX Simulator Physics into this game and i think they should be two totally different games.

11 months ago

not great

11 months ago

Bikes feel good, tires feel horrible i feel like im riding on black ice

11 months ago

come on yall said it will be back up asap and its been 6 days

11 months ago
Reply to  koof

It’s been on the preview page, it was only gone for a couple hours.

11 months ago

hey guys, so i’ve been testing since preview #1 ! I sadly must say, for me the best was preview #1 ! Preview #1 felt way more realistic, the level of traction felt realistic and you could feel the bikes weight and the power was right! It just felt insane, to me it felt perfect!

Talking about the 250f

With the latest preview #4 now, bike has way too much grip, which makes it very snappy like on asphalt, im doing highsiders like motogp bikes! Suspension takes way too much beating, bikes are fast but the power feels somehow off! They are very nervous and jumpy, to me its unstable, turning feels a bit weird!

I really respect all the work you put in to that project, but preview #4 ain’t it for me! It seems like you have overcooked it!

Is there any chance to get the link for preview #1 so i can test it side by side?

11 months ago
Reply to  machochulo

I have all of them but its GUID locked so I can’t share it. I have played them all back-to-back and think Preview 3 was the best. P1 was good, P2 was better and P3 was the best. P4 introduced inconsistent turning, input lag and the bike teetering instead of staying straight out of corners. I wasn’t a fan of the factory bikes until preview 4 came out and now I just can’t ride the P4 bikes. I’m not going to switch my settings back and forth for different bikes. Regardless, I hope more people speak up or this is what we are getting.

11 months ago
Reply to  NoMx

im lucky i found the P2 in my download folders, so i just rolled it back and riding the P2 bikes haha! But thanks for your effort!

I wasn’t a fan of the factory bikes neither! Those bikes were way too fast and too arcady!

It seems like everyone wants to make the bikes faster and be able to land harder, but at what cost!? Why should they be faster, why should the suspension be able to eat every case or landing? the P4 bikes are overall horrible to ride! as if the game engine tries to fight the physics of the bike!

The p2 bikes feel so much more free in terms of movement and the power is spot on imo!

11 months ago
Reply to  machochulo

I also believe preview 1 was the best but that’s because it felt like OEM 17. 17 was home to me and my comfy place. I really didn’t like P4 at first but its growing on me. Their claims of “scrub and whip to a whole new level” is absolute bogus, OEM 17 existed and P1 was the closest to it. P2 was VERY boring, my least favorite. IDK how I feel about P4 yet. Scrubbing/whipping is better that P2-P3 for sure. Without a doubt P4 is much much better than current OEM’s. One thing that I think is a massive issue is that these bikes/tires have ZERO traction in the whoops. I cant get any drive on top of them whatsoever. That really needs to be worked out before SX starts up. Lastly the new turning stuff doesn’t really feel realistic to me but I am getting used to it little by little. I don’t think I would ever recommend turning down the direct steering like they said because when I tried it I just blew through every rut and corner I tried. I went back to 68% and feel much better off.

11 months ago
Reply to  Kawirider217

Yea i actually turned mine up, ReaperDoc said he also turned his up, I didn’t even think of doing that before. I tried it and it’s 10x better. Ty for this tip.

11 months ago
Reply to  machochulo

feeling the same here lad.. i wanna test al preview bikes #1 #2 #3 #4.. side by side to.. iam leaning on #2 the best feeling get..

11 months ago

I like the way the bikes handle bumps and i’ve got used to the cornering, only complaint is trying to get the sag levels right. Can these numbers be tweaked to be more accurate to IRL?

11 months ago

the link to download the bikes doesnt show up only the mods to the bikes show up
any help?

11 months ago

where’s the download link?

11 months ago

became a supporter just to try these bikes and theres no link. sick joke orrrr?

11 months ago
Reply to  AC129

it is amazing how absolutely helpless you ppl are lmao. try using your freakin eyeballs and i think if you try really really hard even you only having a few functioning brain cells could even find them just like allllll the other people found them, wich could also be an indiciation that their is in fact a link you bot

11 months ago

you realize it got deleted and reposted right? imagine being this mad in a forum thread lmfao your life must be sad af

11 months ago

where is the download

11 months ago

new to the page, where the f**k is the OEM download links ???

11 months ago
Reply to  deeceee233

 1 day ago
you go to OEM Supporter Portal – Project OEM ( and click on the “Preview” tab

11 months ago

im sorry but from prev 2 to 4 it went from gold to shit! these feel no better than the current oems although the center of gravity is great …stop catering to pros and youtubers and think of the average player that wants to have a good experience…700 hours in game so im not new to this…preview 2 at flowvilla i was running 140s now struggling to get a 201..

11 months ago
Reply to  hefner570

1000+hours here and 40+ shitttt iam old..

11 months ago
Reply to  hefner570

i agree! they overcooked it! to me preview #1 was the absolute best! That’s where they should have stopped and released the other bikes, DONE!

11 months ago

first I admire your great work.. Do I think the update is better than the previous update?.. not really,.. there is something with the steering and the suspension.. the Kawasaki is also a bit wrong,.. KTM is a bit better… speed feeling is good.. grippy tires top… but I feel something wrong with them.. The biggest problem I find is steering,.. especially if you drive (aid) 0.. and suspension is not correct.. for example,.. I cannot get the Kawasaki to sag for outside tracks.. Keep up that great work!

11 months ago

Wheres the preview 4 link?

11 months ago
Reply to  khutch20

you go to OEM Supporter Portal – Project OEM ( and click on the “Preview” tab

11 months ago
Reply to  insane

thank you <3

11 months ago

amazing bikes, turning is a little weird but i think we just have to adjust to it W oem team

11 months ago
Reply to  Xoom

i cant figure out where to download them

11 months ago

the kx450 is amazing it feels so nice the turning could be a little tighter but over all really good

11 months ago

why aint my wheels visible?

11 months ago

Where is the download link?

11 months ago

i love you

11 months ago
Reply to  nateqo

Nate did you just download them? Or is the link still deleted (Insane’s post)

11 months ago

Yeah nvm im stupid i didnt read instructions

11 months ago

my bikes aint workin im putting them in my bikes folder, extracted and everything they arent showing up in game

11 months ago

When I put them in my folder I dont have the OEM Preview option in bikes menu.. any tips? I had the previous ktms and they worked fine

11 months ago
Reply to  Auzzie41

U gotta put the oem preview folder into tyres

11 months ago

So what direct lean should I try?

11 months ago

Can someone tell me why the wheels are invisible?

11 months ago

kx450 barks. Love the update, definitely moving in the right direction. I am happy as hell with these updates.

11 months ago

ive imported them into the mods section but they arent working at all can some1 pls help

11 months ago

making a lot of steps in the right direction. unfortunately, the kawis are lacking it.
come out of corners the bikes flying across to the other side of the track. feel like my controller steer input tripled. suspension is a bit better than before but still, the front end is having a crisis when landing smoothly to slightly rough/
Ktm 250 in the previous preview version was really good besides the power cure/gearing. just felt extremely long and gutless. kept me questioning if I was messing with the gearing or something even tho I didn’t change a setting yet.
I believe in the OEM team. Thank you for you hard work.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jimbo

“The new Preview Bikes have a very natural, predictable and nimble feeling to them. It will feel strange at first and you might want to revise settings such as “Direct Lean” (lower is better).”

11 months ago

Man these bikes really have a tough time turning…. also wish the camera position could be moved lower. Overall still an improvement though!

11 months ago

Bro please tell me these OEM’s are not real. Im gonna go to bed and wake up tomorrow hoping this was a nightmare. These bikes suck absolute meat, and the stupid youtubers hyping them is just hilarious.

11 months ago
Reply to  NRand_433

i think you may be smoking crack

11 months ago
Reply to  xaq

I think you’re retarded

11 months ago
Reply to  NRand_433

Thanks for your feedback 👍🏻

11 months ago
Reply to  insane

Hey man last night i only tried it on SX so today i gave it a proper shot on MX and all i can say is Mullock is an absolute idiot. Stop putting this guy in charge of physics, he thinks he’s Mr. perfect and then produces bikes like this lmao.

11 months ago

For those who wondering, the download can be done in Supporter Portal, “Preview” tab.

11 months ago
Reply to  regulargerman

there is no preview tab for me

11 months ago
Reply to  regulargerman

no preview tab yall are smokin somthing wacky

11 months ago
