Hello there!
We didn’t announce any release day yet but we’re cooking a lot recently. So here is yet another Preview Bikes update for you!
Once again we decided to update the KTM 250 and 450 because that way you can see and feel the differences and changes we’ve been working on since the first preview release. This time though we decided to add one of the weirder bikes in the roster (and a 2t no less), the TM MX 125.
Although this is a public version and we’re nearing our v18.1d release, changes can and will be made before the final release
Some infos about this revision:
All three bikes have further tweaks to the virtual rider, more work done to suspension/cogs/geometry. All new collisions to help improve predictability both against the ground and other players. OEM_Models folder removed due to various issues with how the game reads heirarchy through .pkz
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The bikes feel A LOT BETTER!!! Thank you for making the game playable, it has been a while since i enjoyed it. The only thing that i’m kinda scared off is that it will be bad (and easy) for the pro’s in this game… my lap time and concistensy has been improved like a rocket taking off 😉
I hope that we will have these fabulous bikes soon because i won’t change anything anymore.
bikes feel amazing! just like in the first preview! i think the first preview was already perfect! please don’t ”overdo” them, otherwise you won’t ever come to a release!
You can feel the weight, suspension IMO feels realistic, power feels absolutely on spot!
If you ask me, it’s done!
i swear i recently saw a post about updating the gas gas plastics to the new model. anyone know when thatll happen
Is it possible to make the suspension feel like suspension lol
If not I highly recommend asking the factory dudes what they did with there bikes
wtf you mean? make it feel unrealistic? the factory bike maybe fun to try but they are a complete joke in terms of realism! they feel like plastic! the front end comes up as if it doesnt have any weight on a 250f, you can land any jump flat and just go on! that ain’t simulator! go play mx vs atv if you are into those factory bikes!
The factory 250 front end doesn’t loop out easy “ like the oem crf 250” now that’s unrealistic, the suspension characteristics on the factory bikes react like real suspension, the oem preview bikes suspension is pathetic
Is it possible to swap just the KTMs in game for these previews so people can race on the new update bikes if we want and we could test them side by side with old OEMs to compare. I don’t think too many people main KTM’s that it would cause a problem
This is amazing guys, I mean BRAVO! Hurry we are in desperate need of this fix for all bikes! I am trying to desperately love this game again!