We want to give a huge shoutout to everyone who has been testing the preview bikes and providing valuable feedback. Your input is essential, and we couldn’t do this without you! Thank You for Your Support!

The feedback on MX OEM v0.19.0 Supporter Preview #2 was quite split, with many favouring Preview #1 and just as many preferring Preview #2. With Preview #3 we’ve worked hard to combine the best of both worlds into one solid package.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Bikes Available in Preview #4:

    • 2024 GasGas MC 250F
    • 2024 GasGas MC 450F
    • 2024 Yamaha YZ250F
    • 2024 Yamaha YZ450F


Check out the full changelog below and download the v19.0 Preview bikes here:

v0.19.0 Supporter Preview #4 Changelog


  • Fine-tuned how tires build up grip during acceleration, braking, sliding, and climbing, resulting in smoother control.
  • Enhanced the tyre’s ability to handle rapid changes in wheel load in relation to if the bike is riding, under pressure, or leaned over. This improves traction, especially when going through rough terrain or hooking into ruts.
  • Added a feature allowing the tire to slightly shift off-center on the rim under certain forces, making traction even more dynamic and responsive.


  • Increased rear brake strength
  • Removed driveline SFX


We’d absolutely love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our newest release! You can share your thoughts, ideas and other feedback with us through the official Project OEM Discord Forum.

Alternatively, feel free to leave a comment on the post!

Our only ask is that you please keep all feedback constructive and respectful!

Screenshots & Media

As always, no changes seen in this preview are final, and are subject to change based on your feedback before release. If you have constructive feedback for us, feel free to leave it in the Project OEM Discord’s Feedback forum!
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4 days ago

in mxbon 2024 you can’t do quadruple with these less powerful 450s

5 days ago

Preview 3 felt the best to me. Preview 4 has too much forward/ straight up traction and too little side/ lean traction on the rear tire. Feels like ice skating with the rear end kicking out and then randomly hooks up and wheelies.

11 days ago

the 250s are more powerful than the 450s below…..but do you want to give more low end to these 450s??????????

14 days ago

I’ve been waiting to give an opinion about this for a while because I wanted to wait until the edges were filed of. With more than a thousand hours in game and years of real life riding I’ve come to give my experience. from all the oem previews, the last is definitely the best with lots of improvements but here is what I have to say,

-The 250s have a little bit to much power in the lower rpms

-The rear tire spins to much when sliding and feels like you’re on a patch of ice, don’t get me wrong I like the sliding but the transition from grip to wheelspin is too sudden and doesn’t feel natural. it needs a bit more gradual grip loss instead if what it is now.

-The 250 and 450 bikes feel a little too front heavy when on high speeds, I have a feeling I could get more pop out of the front wheel in 3rd or 4th gear.

-I’ve only had this issue with the 250 gasgas but when the bike goes vertical mid air it tends to glitch out.

This is only my opinion, all the things I didn’t mention are things that are good or feel natural. I’m sure I’ve missed a few points but I cant bother right now.

Thank you oem team for your great work that’s given us countless hours of fun.

14 days ago

The 120/90 tire is OP, rest seems fine for me 🙂 Way better than current OEM’s. But i still preferred P3 bikes

Last edited 14 days ago by MushroomXYZ
15 days ago

Bikes are great and you guys are pumping out good updates, If you release a 5th version, add the KX 250-450 for the oem supporters. We have waited to long for these bikes.

17 days ago

I hope this is the final release, these bikes are sooo frikkin good. I’ve tested on every ARL track and it work great. Sand is so good now with the pre 4 bikes. Love the 120/80 and 110 rear tire, but the 120/90 needs to be deleted or more slippier. When I read all the comments I feel like Im playing another game. This is the best MX BIKES has ever been.

16 days ago
Reply to  Martin473

ma come fai a dire che ti piacciono????non vedi che non hanno motore????

18 days ago

e’ tutto cosi irrealistico moto lente suoni di merda cadute inspiegabili capriole inspiegabili mhaaaaa fate tanto lavoro e impegno lo vedo ma non credo siate in grado di capire come deve essere una moto da cross sarei disposto a pagare anche 100 euro un gioco ma che sia fatto bene

Last edited 18 days ago by massimo
19 days ago
  1. thx 4 putting in the work guys. 2. bikes feel nice in whoops. 3. I found a bug I can only speak for 450 yz, when you ride in the flat and break with the front break, the bike always folds to the left. I checked with current oem, doesnt do that. 4. I think the power on the 450 is to low and unrealistic. 5. I really dont like that real life doesnt apply to the set ups. 4 example supercross would be really stiff but, bikes ride like shit when you make them harder. so my sx set up now is softer than the mx set up, which doesnt make any sense. 6. tires besides the 120/90 are way to slippery 7. I think the rear break and clutch physics in air are not even close to real life. bike should dive more. hope this helps
20 days ago

For some reason it wont dowload, keeps saying resuming then corrupted dowlload files.

20 days ago

one thing i noticed right away is that when you compress the bikes hard into a corner they stand themselves up. i didn’t feel this with any of the previous preview bikes. i personally think that preview 3 felt right on the money.

20 days ago

cant get my head around how you guys make a good thing outstanding, that being said it would be preview 3.5 ish for me. thank you for what you all do

20 days ago

I dont know what you changed with the rear of the bike from preview 3 to 4 but it needs to be reverted. oem 3 was a perfect mix of having to have throttle control while still feeling in full control of the bike itself. with preview 4 i am left with no sense of control over the rear tire of the bike. I am left veering off course out of corners because my rear tire is slipping while leaving the rut. I either have to exit the corner at lower speeds and not hit main lines or send it and have no control of where the bike goes. there is no middle ground with preview 4. Also, the bike just randomly decides when to have grip and lose grip. one second ill have no grip and the next second i will have so much grip that my front tucks. I get we are trying to fix the issue of having unrealistic amount of rear grip but that does not mean we need to make it uncontrollable. please go back to the preview 3 bikes.

Last edited 20 days ago by domdombinks
21 days ago

I believe that the feel of the rear tire is good at low speed, but should decrease as speed increases. The front speed feel great.

21 days ago

These are too slippery in corners and coming out of them aswell. I can even jump on top of rollers taking a slight left without sliding and crashing needs to be fixed.

21 days ago

they just dont feel right, preview 3 was perfect, too slippery

21 days ago

they way the tire will randomly grip up whilst under compression is really nice but sometimes it feels like to ,much and it makes you go very fast.Also doing scrubs is a lot easier now but on jumps where there isn’t much of a lip the bike is very slippery and also I’ve just done some laps on candiland and the 450 feels very slow and struggles pretty badly to make a lot of the jumps which the public 450 easily clears them but overall i still think these are a big step into realism compared to the public oems

21 days ago

Too slippery. The 3rd version was way way better than this one. Way too slippery, ur not supposed to turn backwards when just rolling on the gas. This coming from many many top 10 pros I know including myself.

21 days ago

The bikes feel more realistic. A bit of a learning curve with the rear end sliding out of ruts but I got around it by leaning forward while full throttling out of the corner to let the rear end “fall” into the rut and hook and dear god I think this is what the game has been needing. From an engineering/dynamics standpoint, this is how the bikes should function. Maybe tweak a couple parameters for the traction based on lower loadings and on engine braking but otherwise I love them. I’d love to see how this was implemented someday to see the math behind it

21 days ago

i don’t understand … like i don’t know how u could go ride irl then come get on this game and ride the preview bike and be like oh wow this is sliding all over the place exactly like when i ride irl . i mean there’s just no way .. i understand this is a game but like just slow down the bikes , fix the way they make ruts and react to the physics of things and give us the new 2025 model bikes and call it a day. all this sliding around scootin left and right all over the place ,slipperyness is just crazy unreal.

22 days ago

Bikes feel amazing imo. Took me a few hours in game to get it down but I love the direction.

22 days ago

downloaded it all and the CUNTS dont work

22 days ago

u have to download the new ones. delete any previews u have placed in /bikes file / and delete preview tynlres / then once u download the file move it to you desktop . extract the files . then move the extracted files to your / bikes folder / and move the tyres / to / tyres folder / and make sure ur game is off while u do this . then load the game and u should be good.

22 days ago

I haven’t tried out the other previews but 4 but I’ve got to say i much like riding these than the old oems they had so much grip these bikes require a good amount of skill to keep it on the track

22 days ago

feels so awkward. rear end felt so good before i wish we could have just reduced side of tire traction slightly instead of going down this route.

22 days ago

I don’t know guys these seem weird. Handling seems like it went backwards hard to describe.

22 days ago

The bike is slightly turning to the left, tested with two different controllers ps4/ps5, with deadzone set at max and at my normal deadzones. Tested with current live bikes and the problem isn’t there. The problem occures when not on the trottle or is breaking.

Tested on the Yamaha 450 preview v4/current_live bikes.

23 days ago

Frick I love these bikes!! All 4 previews have been better than the current OEM’s IMO really haven’t touched current OEM;s since…
These bikes open up the track so much for me, it’s not just rail the outside WFO anymore.
I feel like people complaining saying “bikes suck hope player count drops” either need to put more time into testing these bikes or go buy MX vs ATV.

Huge thanks to the whole OEM team

22 days ago
Reply to  RYFT

in velocita perdono aderenza i motori sono lenti ma come fai a dire che sono buone moto????

23 days ago

I dont know what alot of people are complaining about, this preview 4 is by far the most realistic mx bikes has ever been. The amount of control you have over the slip is so good.the game is so much more fun now. The only thing that HAS to change is the 120/90-19 tire, it has way to much traction compared to all the other tires. If the game is getting to hard for the kids they can go and play mx vs atv. Thanks alot for the good work OEM Team. 

23 days ago

Guys, are you gonna make up your mind or are we gonna eventually get to preview #98? The previews have been great up until #3 i didnt even download because the speed increase back to the old oems was just a step backwards. These #4 bikes feel off in rough areas, deep whoops feel horrid and with braking bumps the bike wants to fish tail way too much. The suspension feels really bad. I understand you guys want to slow everyone down because “PeOpLe are ToO FaSt” even though racing is optional, but this is just silly. Preview after preview with changes that dont make sense at this point. The pre loading back in 1 and 2 isnt even noticeable at all and this new “tire shifting off the rim for better grip” isnt noticeable either. I would say most of the really specific changes you cant really feel, all in all they feel like the normal oems just a bit slower, they slide more and now the suspension feels really off.

23 days ago

ma si puo’ rimettere il motore degli oem originali?questi sono lenti soprattutto il 450 ma non lo vedete???

24 days ago

The front tire feels glued to the ground while the rear feels like it’s nearly bald. The 3rd previews had a much better balance than these.
Other than that I’m content. The tires are the only factor that has been changing my opinion throughout these previews. Hopefully we find a good balance by the full release.

Last edited 24 days ago by mxer4life
24 days ago

as a intermediate rider i really like these bikes i have tested both 450’s and found takes good throttle control to control the bike but when it slips it can be regained nicely and the issue i had with the previous review as seem to be fixed. throughout the testing i didn’t feel the need to adjust any of the settings for the bike it felt how i would want it to this may change as the game progresses with them

24 days ago

The speed seems To be better, love the front end and suspension. Still the rear is just too slick. Like I have said in the previous previews, if you are going for the realistic feeling of a super hard packed dirt with a blue groove and then you water that blue groove y’all have nailed it. The 250 isn’t that bad, I guess because it doesn’t have the torque the 450 does to make it that loose but the 450 is just way to loose. This is a video game and you will never get a realistic feeling as far as traction goes because traction varies all over a track and from track to track.

24 days ago

also preview 2 erode is way better then every other preview
another thing the pre 4 tires and how much they come off the rim needs to be reduced a little bit

Last edited 24 days ago by _tenshura
24 days ago

hey i just tried something and it makes the perfect combo use preview 2 bikes with preview 4 tires please make that the final beta 19 oem update with a few tweaks to the tires

24 days ago

Nailed it!

24 days ago
Reply to  zenith

ngl I’m a driveline SFX enjoyer.

24 days ago

Idk if I installed wrong or am doing something wrong. I can hardly even ride them. I’ll do the same corner over and over sometimes I don’t slide sometimes I’m sideways. If I hit a lip slightly angled I will do a 180 off the lip. And turns with rollers in them I’m doing a 180. Randomly coming out of corners I’ll be sliding then the tire hooks up and I wheelie and loop out. Gave it like an hour I can’t figure them out at all.

24 days ago

NOW THESEEEEE ARE BIKES!!!! Lynds can cry all he wants about the tires being too gripy and troy smh. its a video game. you make it too hard youll lose players. End of discussion!! PUT THESE OUT AS BETA 19 BIKES!!

24 days ago

Feels almost as fast and consistent as the beta 18 oem’s. Some guy said that the traction gets lost at high speed instead of slow, and I completely agree. I really liked the slow and methodical approach that the preview 1 and 2 had. On those bikes I felt like you could really adjust your throttle and lean angle midway through a corner, almost like turning 2 dials back and forth to maximize traction and turn radius for each unique corner. I really liked those bikes, and to me it feels like these bikes are compromising too much with the current oem’s. I think that we should take the lower, more predictable traction of the preview 1 and 2 bikes, and have the track builders do the rest of the work with how stuff flows. To me, the oem 1 and 2 bikes had a much more solid foundation, with virtually no funky physics. I think these bikes are a half step in the right direction, but will suffer the same fate as the current oem’s. Too fast and too much traction, making the game feel like a slot car race. I appreciate the work, and this game is still really fun. If these were the bikes, the game would definitely still thrive, but probably be too easy like the current oem’s. Thank you!

24 days ago
Reply to  CatPickles

couldn’t have said it better that was another thing i wanted to touch on these feel way to similar to whats out. V1s clearly had the most time put into them and it was an initial shock for everyone from what they’re used to now, but they were the best and the slowest and that’s what the game needs. A1 from this year tells you everything you need to know about how over powered these current bikes are its just a quad quad quad fest if you’re any level of decent, and that’s why they made the tracks so rough to combat the easy bikes. scale the tracks back to reality and put v1s out the level of consistent laps you could do on those was crazy it was so fun, and if people whine about not being able to get over laroccos on a 250 wah wah go faster its possible lol. only the best of the best could do it in real life.

25 days ago

I’m gonna say it’s just too slippery in the rear end. I’ve got my throttle really numbed down in the game with a lot of Press and even in 4th gear it just want’s to slide on any kind of throttle unless you are only giving it like 2% throttle.
It also seems Engine Braking is non Existent.

25 days ago

preview 4 is great!! the tires handling the quick changes better makes it feel much more consistent than preview 3, but still punishing when you initiate a lean too far or just hit a big ol chungus on the track. I’ve noticed my lap times aren’t necessarily quicker than prev 3 (or not easy to beat), but I can run consistent decent laps, and making a mistake is more recoverable – I found myself getting ejected into the nether on 3 sometimes, no chance of saving something that didn’t seem thatttt bad. overall I love these new preview updates, seems it’ll place more emphasis on being smooth and hopefully create a higher skill ceiling. Always a fan of things slowing down a bit so I like the direction it’s headed. For context I have about 600 hrs, only playing since beta 18 but I was a youtube lurker for a long time. thank you for all the hard work and listening to idiots like us.
edited for spelling/words are hard:(

Last edited 25 days ago by jahfeel212
25 days ago

you’re getting there they handle ruts and bumps great, but after an hour on these the bike doesn’t lose grip on acceleration it loses grip at top speed on the lowest part of the torque lol. it makes absolutely no sense and is completely backwards from what would happen in real life. a bike should settle down off the the throttle and not slide out like that beta 17 issue, if anyone on the team would like to see what im talking about i have about 12 recorded instances already. plus engine breaking idk why no one listens it doesn’t exist. if you want to come into a corner fast with no resistance you should pull the clutch in to free the engine, otherwise the revs need to match whats actually happening and i think thats what cause those full speed rear end come arounds on these. keep it up the good work they feel decent just quirky but thats bikes i guess.