
Although we’ve had a rough last few months, we thought it would be best to provide some updates on the project.

For starters, we haven’t quit and have continued doing work at a gradual pace – although we admit that we needed a break. However, work continues and we’re making progress in the areas which we wanted to tackle. For instance; we’ve been working on the tyres traction and how we can improve it, alongside that we’ve worked on model updates, and also began collecting information regarding the 2024/2025 bike dynos.

Plus more!



As our main focus is the Motocross pack – we’ve been doing most of our work based on it, this includes reworking bike and tyre physics, as well as data collection. Although we’re not ready to release an update for the MX pack yet, we’re hoping to release a full update ASAP.  This should include an update to all 51 of our existing bikes, across all categories, as well as an update for the tyres. We apologies for the lack of updates this year, however we’ve ran into quite a few complications! Alongside this, we’re also hoping a game update will be able to fix some of the bugs that we’ve found while developing – which are currently delaying us.



One of the small changes that we’ve been working on is the bikes dynos. As we’re heading towards 2025 bikes, we’ve began collecting information and IRL specifications from available data. This will help us in the future when we need to adjust the current bikes, so that they’re aligned with the 2025 bikes IRL. We’ve already started adjusting some of the bikes, however they’re far from a release state.

Alongside this, we’ve also taken note of the feedback from our last release. (There’s loads so I’ll just highlight a few). Some of the upcoming changes include, looking at fixing/stopping the TM 250f engine from blowing up prematurely. The engine wear and tear seems to be higher than other bikes in the same class, so we’ll be updating that. As well as that, we’ve began looking at how we can increase how noticeable engine breaking is again, as we believe this will help “slow” the bikes down slightly. We’ve also began experimenting and making changes to a few of our bikes RPM ranges. This is to resolve an issue where those bikes are regularly at the RPM limit in irregular places.



Since the release of v18.3a one of the main pieces of feedback that we’ve really listened to and believed is that the traction is too high. Therefore, we’ve been spending a good amount of time developing our tyre physics model and making necessary adjustments. We believe that we’re on a good path to finding a final version, however we’re not completely there yet.

These adjustments feature an increased presence of dynamic grip levels. This dynamic approach means that the level of grip depends on the load that’s placed on the wheel. This load is being generated by a number of variables; mainly the lean angle of the bike/wheel, the rider position, the contact points of the wheel on the ground, and the bikes acceleration.

These proposed changes will require the player to have increased caution when accelerating through flat corners, this is due to the rear wheel being more likely to lose lateral traction and sliding out. Whereas; if the bike is sat or planted in a rut/berm, then the rear should be less likely to step away from you when accelerating.

Although these changes can sound scary, this doesn’t mean that every corner you take will result in the rear wheel losing traction. The main change and difference will be adapting to slightly new riding styles. This is due to the riders position and actions on the bike increasingly influencing how traction is being applied to the wheels. If you want to step the rear out in a corner, then you can lean/accelerate and generate the needed forces to step the rear out. If you want to take the corner without the rear losing traction, you can do so. If you want to control the rear after it’s stepped out, then you can also do that. We hope that this upcoming change will result in riders having to increasingly think about when they should; lean/counter lean, lean forward/backward, accelerate/brake, etc.


TLDR; This means that we’re hoping the new tyres will introduce more throttle control into the game, with the main objective of the traction being consistent and logical.

Don’t panic yet..! We promise this won’t turn the bikes into drift machines and won’t be similar to the v17 tyres, which drastically struggled with grip. As we get closer to a release date, we’ll make plenty of videos showing these changes. However until then, we’ll keep refining them and making sure that they’re as good as can be.


Here’s two brief clips showing the current WIP MX tyres.


//WIP// Intentionally controlling the slide vs intentionally sliding the rear


Just to repeat myself – these tyres are very WIP and as such are due to change multiple times before release.


Bug Finding:

Alongside the main traction change, we’re also hoping to fix the broken traction on Compact soil. Unfortunately, we’ve ran into issues here as this issue isn’t solely ours to fix – we’ve found a bug with how traction is calculated on this soil type. However, we’re working with what we have and hoping to find a fix in the meantime. This fix will also similarly be played into the Enduro tyres, so that they have their full usability again (discussed below).

One of the main challenges that we’ve been working against is how the tyres are loaded into the game – thankfully after hours of trial, error, and failure. We’ve been able to find a bug in this process, which is drastically slowing down our development. Alongside the Compact soil issue, we’ve been able to work with PiBoSo and he’s been able to fix this bug. This fix is currently working on the BETA version of the game, which is being privately tested. Once this issue has been fixed publicly, we’ll be able to fully commit to working on our new tyres and completing them as development and testing will be much easier.


Game Updates:

Alongside the changes that we’ve been making, members of our team have also been able to privately test the upcoming game update. With this in mind, we’ve been able to test our WIP tyres and bikes on the new game version, which has shown promising results.


SuperMoto and Enduro:

Unfortunately there’s not much that I’m able to cover here. We’re aware that both packs are currently outdated and need work, which is why we’re hoping to update them, or at least patch them. One of the main problems with both these packs is that the tyres for both are unforgiving and outdated. Although there is no ETA or release date, we have been working on patching the tyres for both packs – we hope that these updates will make the packs rideable and as enjoyable as possible.


Here’s two short clips of our WIP SM tyres, as well as a short clip of our WIP Enduro tyres.



//WIP// (Yes you can take turns without sliding)



MX Models:

Our modelling department has been working throughout the last few months, not only on new additions, but also improving the existing models. Although Phantomz is busy with IRL work, the 2024 Kawasaki KX450 is nearly completed. There’s only a few parts left to model, including the brake components, the rear shock, and smaller engine pieces. Alongside that; we also have the 2024 Triumph TF 250-X, again, although Frankie is currently busy IRL, we’ve been able to complete the model. From here we need to finalise the texture revamp (which is almost finished), then clean up the in-game import (which I’m sure many have already seen). Finally, we have the 2023 TM 450 Fi, which is already playable in the v18.3a pack. The changes that it’s received so far include resizing parts to better fit with IRL specs, which helps make the bike slightly wider in-game, as well as beginning a texture revamp.

2024 Kawasaki KX450

2024 Kawasaki KX450

2024 Triumph TF 250-X

2023 TM 450 Fi

We’ve also put some work into the KTM, Beta, and Honda model – more information to come soon!


MX Model Swaps:

Due to the leak; our model swaps are available for free, you can find the official link to the Mega.nz folder >>> here <<<.

In the future we hope to build out the supporter benefits once again, as the model swaps are temporarily no longer included.


Some quick questions/answers:

  • Q) Will there be an OEM update before ARL outdoors begins?
    • No – not unless PiBoSo releases an update and we’re required to release a patch.
  • Q) Has anyone quit or given up after the leak?
    • No, we’re all still working on the project and hope to keep improving it.
  • Q) Do you have an official Instagram?
  • Q) Is the KTM 450 purposefully OP?
    • No – we try balance the bikes as best as we can, when comparing to IRL data and also how they act in game. Setups and *meta* help play into the popularity of a bike.
  • Q) How can I download the OEM model swaps? How do I install them?
    • There’s a link on this post which takes you to a MEGA download link, if you download that, then drag the .edf to your bike folder you’ll be good to go! If you get stuck, there’s plenty of tutorials on YouTube which can help. If you get stuck, feel free to ask in the OEM discord.
  • Q) Where can I download the bike PSDs? How do I make graphics?
  • Q) When will the bikes be receiving the 2024 update, or even the 2025 update?
    • We hope to have an update for them before 2025 😉


If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our Discord server or via email at [email protected].

Like always, thank you for the support!


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1 month ago

how do I download it

3 months ago

early release 2-3 bikes for the OEM Suporters?

4 months ago

thx 4 putting in the work guys. I got some feedback. 40 year old, beginner player (600 hours) play like 30 minutes every other day. why dont you bring out tires for pros that you have to run in series events and have grippy (easier Tires) for the average joe that just wants to have fun. I still cant run consistent sx laps. other than that, dudes please make the rear brake in the air more effective. also maybe think about real life seat bounces and corner movement, that you can translate your real life skills to the game. It seems the other way round right now. ex. when you lean backwards on a real life jump you get more lift, in game you lean forward. and cornering, make it like real life

3 months ago
Reply to  koppins851

They have nothing to do with making the real life seat bounces and corner movement into the game, thats just a game physics issues and thats not up to them they only make the bikes, piboso is the one to fix that issue.

Last edited 3 months ago by kuravlr
4 months ago

Will there at any point be OEM pitbikes?