Yes, you’ve read it right. We have kind of a roadmap for you!

The year is starting out and we are on our way to wrapping up this pack for you.

Due to several closely followed incidents that happened in the recent past, the development of the OEM v0.18 pack had to take quite of a different turn and approach than we’ve been used to.

So we’ve decided to split this release into 3 main parts shaping the 2023 season’s future.
The first being v0.18.0 that comes with all new and updated MX1 and MX2 4 stroke bikes, ready to race for ARL SX.
Followed by v0.18.1 where we will focus on all modern MX1/MX2 2 strokes as well as MX3 and MXE (electric) and also updates to previous released bikes.
Last, v0.18.2 will include the classics and some revived bikes with all optimizations and/or changes we were able to gather throughout the year.

The Roadmap

MX OEM v0.18.0 (initial release)

The initial release of v0.18.0 is planned for January 6th, 2023 – 1 week prior Rd. 1 of the new season of ARL SX.
We know there are people saying we should wait and release them later and not shortly prior or during a major racing series – but with the 2023 racing schedule this would be August, with MXBGP starting end of February and going parallel to ARL SX.

And we definitely don’t want to let all of you wait for even longer.

Nonetheless, our decision was to make the main pack happen in time for the SX season and gather your feedback during the season, which we will then use to shape v0.18.1 for you.

So, v0.18 will come with 22 new and/or updated MX1 and MX2 4 stroke bikes.

We hope you liked our little “puzzle” that we released a few days ago, teasing the release date of the OEM pack and gifting you the “official” OEM gear sets. Well this “manual” is an actual thing! SD took the time to write the official OEM v18 Manual which will help you set up your bikes properly. This manual explains all of the values and settings that can be found in the garage for every bike: suspensions, tyres, engine, etc.

The link to access this online document will be the same as the one we’ve used for the puzzle, which is (you can click on the banner above too). If you forgot to download the OEM gear sets, do NOT panic: you’ll find the pack in a proper post on Mxb-Mods.

MX OEM v0.18.1 (second split)

The first update to the v0.18 pack is dated for February 20th, 2023 – 1 week prior Rd. 1 of the MXBGP premiere.

v0.18.1 will come with another batch of new and/or updated modern MX1 and MX2 2 strokes, as well as the MX3 and MXE (new!) classes.
We decided to do the split to be able to work more relaxed on the next set of bikes and improve our work with your given feedback.
Our opinion is, that this is the best way possible to have a structured way of actually working with all your feedback and improve the bikes for your well-being.

Also, it’s typical for the European IRL counterpart to have races with 2 strokes – so this just comes in clutch.

MX OEM v0.18.2 (third split)

Last but not least, the last planned update for the v0.18 pack has no set release date as of now. It is however planned to be released alongside the MXBGP season.

v0.18.2 will focus on reviving older bikes (prior 2021) we used in old OEM packs – and deliver the real classics some of you love.

Depending on the game’s state, we might or might not come up with some bike updates – but our crystal ball doesn’t know that yet.


We don’t know what the year is able to give us, but we definitely have some ideas we want to realize.


We’re so excited sharing our ideas and plans for the next weeks and months to come with you and we can’t wait to finally let this thing off the latch!

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2 years ago

what time is the update in north America

2 years ago

125s new zealand time please

2 years ago

its comin out in 3 hours

2 years ago

cant wait for this 2 stroke bike

2 years ago

2 strokessss?? hello? when?

2 years ago

Hmm at what time are the 2 strokes coming?

2 years ago

bro it’s 27 and there aren’t the 2 strokes

2 years ago

what time does the 125cc come out on monday

2 years ago

are these coming out today if so do you have a time in gb

2 years ago

then they are very nice bikes, but it is February 20th and the long awaited 2 strokes have not come out yet

2 years ago

Time for 2 strokes to be released?

2 years ago

releasing 2 strokes tomorrow or delayed?

2 years ago
Reply to  frostyz101

Fuck bro, 27th now

2 years ago
Reply to  Veklah

Bru where they at it the 27

2 years ago
Reply to  sjnugget326

have patience bruh

2 years ago

Is the PDF manual still being finished or am I just computer illiterate and just am stupid and dont know how to download or access something simple, but no simple for myself?

2 years ago

So pumped for the new OEM’s and start of SX season! Thanks to the entire team involved.

2 years ago

Im so excited for the new bikes, you guys truly are awesome thank you so much!!!

2 years ago

Man that is so cool, the roadmap is so good looking. I’m sure the guy who made it is awesome af!