Some of you might’ve seen the “Become a Supporter” button already, and the donators at the bottom.

The kindness of donating for this project shouldn’t be left unmentioned. And that’s why we started the “OEM Supporters” bonus programme – if you want to call it like that.

Why though?

The OEM bikes exist for years already and they’ve always been free. Unfortunately, and that’s how it goes, it’s not free for us to maintain this project.

Each donation of you guys makes it possible for us to strive for more. Into extending the pack, improving things and keeping us motivated. Surely we love to hear a “thanks” and get 5* on MXB-Mods, see you guys rep our work on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and on Twitch. But nonetheless money is a key factor for this project and keep in mind – we’re all volunteers and hobbyists enjoying the game as much as you do. And we want to keep this approach as it is.

How do I become a supporter?

As already mentioned, above there’s the button “Become a Supporter” or you can also click here do get to the donation form. You must be logged in to be able to donate. Why? That’s the easiest way for us to maintain the system. You register with E-Mail or Discord, you log in, we know who you are and that you donated. [For nerds: It was easier for me to give permissions to logged in users than to handle a registration, check if donated, then give role.]

And once your donation was successful, your profile will be updated and you’ll turn into an OEM Supporter!

What’s the benefits?

Once you’re an OEM Supporter you can edit your profile on this website. A new “Edit Profile” button will appear in the drop-down menu on top:

There you can add an avatar, a little bio, a banner image and you gain access to the Supporter’s Area:

There you can also sync your account with Steam to get your in-game GUID and you can also connect your 3D Viewer ID to unlock the “OEM Supporters” model category. We will slowly add the WIP bikes into it so you can take a first look before the actual release. There will also be PSDs available for Supporters to start work on their individual liveries already.

Steam Sync

So why is there a steam sync option?

As I stated earlier, eventually – and this is a realistic thought as of now – we’ll provide an area in the “OEM Supporters” area of this website where you can get GUID locked model swaps and be able to use the upcomming bikes in your game already.

3D Viewer

Once you added your 3DV-ID into your profile, you’ll get flagged as “OEM Supporter” in the 3DV-Settings:

This will allow you to read the models from the “OEM Supporters” category in the model selection drop down. We’ll soon add the early access bikes for you to take first bite of what will arrive us in the next major update.

Thank you

We don’t aim at making money with this – we’re happy when you show gratitude. We’re doing this to say thank you for supporting us and also to get some feedback.

But before commenting on anything please read what “giving proper feedback” is all about – we don’t want to hear “this is low poly, this is shit, this is missing”.

We want to hear constructive, realistic feedback with game optimization in mind.
We don’t care if your $150 MX Sim model has 100k polys more, we really don’t care.
We do care about obvious things that need fixing in first place. And remember, this whole pack is completely FREE for thousands of players.

You will feel it drastically in game if there’s 30 150k poly bikes with 4k diffuse and normal riding around on a stock track – and you will definitely feel it on a JV track. This pack aims to be optimized as its best to work good with MX Bikes and provide a – as much as possible – flawless experience (as far as the game allows us to). We don’t want to be the cause for lags or frame drops, and we don’t care if you have 2 3090Ti’s in your paid-by-parents gaming rig and have no issues with above. Think further than that, think about the guys that need optimization.

So please be constructive.

Nonetheless we’re grateful for everyone supporting the movement and using our bikes as they come. Thanks to anyone who’s giving constructive feedback to the bikes and offered help. We love you all and hope to deliver a great pack this year!




And NO, we’re not going to do a HP and a LP version of the OEM pack.

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2 months ago

guid lock does not come up

2 months ago

can you please update my account i’ve paid but nothing is working ty

Burnsy CYZ performance

what do you save the psd as to get it into game

tj woods
1 year ago

how do i get the model swaps

10 months ago
Reply to  tj woods

be a supporter

1 year ago

i donated and i still do not have the edit profile button to link my steam. any help would be greatly appreciated

1 year ago


1 year ago

after i donate there is still no edit profile button

1 year ago

is there any chance to donate with paysafe?

1 year ago

on my acc it doesn’t say edit profile how do i fix that

1 year ago

on my acc it doesn’t say edit profile how do i fix that so i can

1 year ago

How do I access my 3DV id?

1 year ago

Why is something so simple, so confusing? At least explain where/how people get their 3d ID or whatever it is, and provide link text, smh. I also heard by donating on this website, you’re in fact not becoming a supporter. Manipulation? Intentional lack of information? hmm

1 year ago
Reply to  moviemacs


1 year ago

I have a problem when I get into it and click sync steam and type in my team stuff then when it says click sign in to share your information when I click sign in it says incorrect login and I type in the right stuff can anyone please help?

1 year ago

Hey, are you guys going to set up the website for transactions from brazil anytime soon? Im from brazil and i would really like to become an oem supporter.

1 year ago

I donated then downloaded and installed some model swaps but now the bikes with the model swaps have no numbers, is there something I did wrong? New models show up and are playable the just have no numbers on the plates

1 year ago

how do i find my 3D viewer ID?

1 year ago

I donated and did everything but still cant see the models in Insanes 3D Viewer 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  insane

hey quick question is there anything in addition to how much you donate
like yz250 model swaps kawi 250 model swaps

Gwagon 524
2 years ago

im confused where is my 3d veiwer id

2 years ago

i cant seem to get the OEM PSD to download, I always get a network error even with multiple browsers. Any suggestions?

2 years ago

Whats exactly the name for The 3d viewer app?

2 years ago
Reply to  insane


2 years ago
Reply to  insane

how do i see my 3d viewer id and open it?

2 years ago

Basically what you guys are saying is that, we pay yous to keep creating 3d models for the game. Yous get paid for your work, all fair. Then what happens do we as contributors have access to the finished models as essentially it was all the supporters that made it possible or is this something you keep to yourselves even though it has been paid for by supporters? Just asking as I’m not clear on how this works and want to clear it all up before supporting 🤟

2 years ago
Reply to  insane

thats fair do you know a eta on when these will be released

2 years ago
Reply to  urmarj

i think as the team has had some previous works stolen from them and release via other means…… they are pretty tight lipped about dates and releases ( which is very understandable)….. but just know that the progress bars on the home page are all filling in rather quickly…… so it could be soon….. it could be a bit later…… fingers crossed and know that the team ( which i am only a supporter and am no way part of oem team) are working hard on this project and it will 100% be worth the wait….. on another not lynds did a preview of one of the new 125 models if you wanna check out his thoughts over on youtube,,, just look up lynds….. its one of his newer videos

1 year ago
Reply to  insane

Io vi aiuterei con dei soldi ma lultimo oem fa pena era molto meglio il 2020 dovete cercare persone che sappiano fare le cose bene e allora vi paghero anche piu di altri

2 years ago

nice post